Stressed about the election in November? Wondering if there’s anything more you can do besides donating, phone banking, and clicking refresh on Nate Silver’s forecast – and wondering if you should even be doing that?


I’m Andrea Jones-Rooy, a data scientist with a Ph.D. in political science. I was a professor at NYU for a long time (some might say too long, but I digress). In the middle of that I worked on polls at FiveThirtyEight. Like you, I’m also getting about ten thousand texts per day asking me to “chip in” to various campaigns.

Not to get all Carrie Bradshaw, but I got to wondering: is there something else I can do here? Surely my colleagues in political science have been studying this, right?


So, I’m rounding up my favorite peer-reviewed research and most impressive experts I can find to get together at the beautiful Caveat theater in the Lower East Side to talk about the latest findings on:

1. How to get out the vote (Sun., 10/6, 2:30p)
2. How to think about polls and use them to inform our actions rather than wither in fear (Sun., 10/13, 2:30p)
3. How to change someone’s mind (Wed., 10/16, 9:30p)
4. How to defeat misinformation and build a world based on reality (Wed., 10/30, 9:30p)
5. How to handle whatever we’re freaking out about by November, plus election eve eve support group (Sun., 11/3, 2:30p)

Come learn about this research as well as from our guests, including Rollie Williams (Climate Town), Joanna Briley (Black Women in Comedy Laff Fest), Lindsey Cormack (How to Raise a Citizen), Walt Hickey (Numlock; You Are What You Watch), Dhrumil Mehta (Columbia Journalism, formerly FiveThirtyEight), Chandler Dean (West Wing Writers), Alison Leiby (Oh God, A Show About Abortion), and more!

Come to one show, come to whichever topics speak to you, or come to them all!

Use code IMGOINGTOVOTE to save $5 HERE

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